Monday, April 14, 2008

clostridium tetani.....

ya know, if it wasn't deadly and i wasn't pregnant i would've taken my chances and said forget the tetanus booster! that was a HORRIBLE experience!!

i sliced my finger pretty badly on a rusty table leg trying to get all HGTV in my kitchen on thursday. i just didn't feel like going to the ER. so i called my primary physician and asked for a tetanus booster since my last one was like 12yrs ago. she told me come in the next morning at 11am, and THEN i thought to ask if it was ok for me to get it and be pregnant. NO. great. so i called my OB and left a message and they called back and said i could have tetanus but not the tetanus/pertusssis combo.

so i set about calling every urgent care center it the city to see if anyone had just the tetanus and everyone had the combo. are you kidding me?! i have to go sit in the ER to get my finger glued, which i could do myself, and get a shot?!

so i called labor/delivery at BJS and spoke w/ an OB and she told me i could wait until the following day for the shot. good. right?

so the next morning i get up and start making phone calls to every clinic, city health dept, occupational health center, etc and found it at two places. one, the county health department, well, i'm not a county resident. blah! and walgreens!! yep, walgreens, in their walk-in clinics.

i called my ins to make sure it was covered and walgreen's was covered and told to go right ahead. so i get there after the ultrasound and i'm signing in and it gets to my ins info and stops me and tells me to call their patient assistance line so they could verify my eligibility. i do, and yes, i'm eligible for service but NOT the vaccine. the state of MO would rather have me go to the ER and pay well over 500.00 to get the vaccine instead of paying walgreen's just over 100.00. so we ended up paying cash, 45.00, for the shot.

but it's done now. and it's a good thing. cuz i eat too much here lately to get lockjaw!!

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