Monday, July 28, 2008

membranes stripped!!

skeeter, tatertot and i ran up to cardinal glennon to meet up w/ a friend who lives over an hour away. me not moving all that fast, we got there as they were walking to their car. so we sat/stood out in the hot sun talking for a bit and i had to sit. so i sat in the car and the contractions started. painful. but every 3mins and the baby was in a funky position. so we cut the visit short and came home. after a couple of hours i couldn't take it anymore and went in to see my ob. of course, in the car on the way there, my contractions stopped completely. i was sooo ticked. so he did the swab for group b strap although he said i'll probably deliver before the results come back. checked baby, she was head down, not engaged, plenty of fluid. grrrrr. 3cm out and 1cm in. so really no progress. are you kidding me? so i he stripped my membranes. barely anything on the glove and so far nothing to speak of painwise. so here i am. at least i get to wash her clothes and pack my bag and clean the car seat. things i've been putting off. hopefully this will be my lucky week.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

35 weeks.......

who'd have thunk it?! i'll be 35w tomorrow. and right now it seems like she has no plans of exiting her comfy lil abode. that's ok. cuz as of tomorrow, i go into 7 days eviction mode. this time next week i better be in or on my way to a hospital!

nothing else exciting going on.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


i'm still pregnant. and i've been up since 3am w/ steady contractions. the pressure is so bad i can barely walk. i'm absolutely miserable. and i do NOT want my child born today. today would've been my "father's" 51st bday. i'll pass.

skeeter's job sux major donkey balls! he's supposed to be back at his own company next week, well he finds out this morning not only are they doing another week at the crappy place, but he doesn't get to work his last shift of the week cuz they're repainting the floors. wth?! so another 8hrs w/ no pay when it's time to be buying school supplies and renting instruments, etc.

Monday, July 21, 2008


i hope not!! as much as i've been wanting her i'd rather wait. it's hot. we're under a severe heat advisory. we have no air in our car that is running crappily right now anyhow. i stayed up til 2am. tried to sleep. couldn't. pain. pain. pain. pain. now my contractions are 4 mins apart. and getting stronger. ok. i can't talk/type.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

2cm...the waiting game

so i got over my stubbornness and went to see my ob today. and skeeter, the NON expert, was right, i am indeed 2cm....on the outside of the cervix....the inside not diddly squat! so that means it could be 2 hrs, 2 days, 2 weeks. who knows. what i do know is i am sooo beyond ready for this to be over. tomorrow is a full moon...bring it on! ok, i'm off to go jog 10miles. yeh right. i'm off to go continue being miserable!

life's short....

remember that. we are not promised tomorrow. so shut the hell up, quit bickering, enjoy your time, get over the stoopid, petty, juvenile crap, unless of course, you're ten! let it go. make the best of what you've got. don't spend your precious moments complaining. DO something. anything. one little thing. make yourself happy. quit waiting on other people to do it for you. make your mistakes, learn from them, and regroup and move on!

RIP to all the relationships i just recently lost over some absolute B/S!!

o yeh, i peed on his feet........

so the other day i was having really really really really really bad contractions. popped two darvocet, walked, rocked, soaked in the tub, didn't even care if it had been cleaned behind the last user or not, yeh, i was hurting bad! so i'm outta the tub, in our room, bad contraction hits....i'm trying to rock thru it and then i feel an amazing amount of pressure and w/o any further warning...peed all over the floor, including his feet since he was standing there to support me. he didn't dare complain though! well, that's one to tell the grandkids.

nothing like insomnia.....

to give you time to update your blog that is seriously lacking. since so much has happened in the three weeks since i've last posted i'm gonna do the quick run down...probably don't remember half of it anyhow.

*the kids have all had physicals
--pudd is healthy, short and stout
--twiggi is healthy, tall and skinny
--bam-bam is overall healthy, now on two diff allergy meds and waiting on referrals to both allergy/immunology to try and figure out the true source of his misery and the psychology dept for a re-reval to determine if it's possible he has some form of autism as opposed to his current diagnosis of mental retardation
--tatertot is healthy, tiny and petite, and only sweet when she wants to be, which right now is about 50% of the time

*the older girls had vision appts
--pudd....needs reading glasses, that we go pick up today
--twiggi is 20/20 and just a little weaker in the left eye
--bam-bam goes on monday

**dental appts
--bam-bam and keek just went and are due back in late november
--the older girls will go on monday eve, esp since twiggi has two that are just refusing to budge on one side but dangling on the other

so overall, healthy kids!! yaaaayyyyyyy!!

pudd goes to the gi specialist today to see if they can figure out the cause of her ever so often unexplained abdominal pain flare my calculations...we might be about due for one...hope not!

**i did NOT deliver w/in two weeks after the positive was actually THREE weeks yesterday, but there is change and progress....which doesn't mean a thing...and that of now i'm 33w 4d....minimal goal was 32w...surpassed that....preferable goal is 34w.....coming up on that sunday. as of last thursday at 33w 4d, baby was weighing in at 4lb 5.6oz and all parts were present and accounted for...including the girl parts...still there....i didn't go to my check up this past monday...feeling "ok" and gas costs too much.....BUT i'm hoping to go this afternoon.....skeeter has been checking my cervix for quite a while now and as of two days ago we started to have some change and now i'm having intermittent spotting....however, my contractions which are usually quite vicious have calmed trememdously. maybe she's waiting for us to get past his cousin's wedding on friday and our baby sprinkle on saturday. anyhow, since he's no expert, i'm gonna go in and see my ob and let him do an official check and see how much progress has actually been made.

**our sprinkle is this saturday and i'm not looking forward to it now. i'm tired and don't really feel like being bothered. and as bad as this may sound, hope i go into labor and am in the hospital and have to cancel. it's just frustrating. people don't rsvp. we're not even buying food til after people show up so as not to be wasteful. not a single one of my babyshowers has ever been successful and i see no reason to start believing in them now. the highlight, skeeter ordered me a chocolate on chocolate cake that he says will make you wanna slap your moma....hmmmmm, i'll leave that one alone...and we'll see.....

**pulled the kids outta summer was elective and elected NOT to deal w/ the b/s! they wanted out, and i obliged. but trust me! i am sooo looking forward to regular session starting next month!!

**skeeter's employer sux majorly...first they shut down the week of june 30-july if you've been there long enough to have paid vacation time to use...his one year anni date isn't until that was a nice financial blow for the month....and then they have no work for their they're down the street at the sister company which has piss-poor conditions and a different shift, 11p-7a, as opposed to 430p-3a.....which means when he gets home he wants to sleep until 5 instead of sleeping til 8 or 9a and being able to help me w/ the kids and me, him and tatertot taking a nap during the more week of this crap!

well, i think i'm fairly well caught to catch up w/ pics and i ain't gon lie...not doing it right now