Tuesday, August 19, 2008

calm before the storm

i swear this is the calm before the storm. after our moms meeting last nite and this morning.....i'm vewy vewy vewy afraid and i'm not kidding!!

dre'a's bus is due at 740. lexi's is due at 743. no idea which side of the corner. so we were all out in force. kalen and kyndal and josh standing on one corner. me and the girls on the other. and then came my mom going back and forth. last year their busses were over an hour late.

today, lexi boarded at 755 and dre'a at 804. WOOOOOOWWWWWW!!

so then josh's bus that was almost an hour late yesterday, is due at 841. we came back in, finished getting him dressed. let him watch diego. at 833 i went to go potty and then told him grab his bookbag and we'd go on out. i have a chair behind the door so i can sit on the porch since he's a door to door pickup. josh asked me can i open the door, told him yep....and i hear diesel engine.....what in the world!! his bus is sitting outside at 835!!!!

and as i turned to walk back up the stairs, never even went all the way down, just got close enough to yell have a good day and kick the door closed.....the first contraction. and i've been contracting ever since. they're so hard i want to vomit.

kalen and kyndal laid down and took a nap while i've moaned and groaned and rocked. but i'm so used to it. i'm not tripping. kalen has to go transmit and go out the POs for an intake. so now i'm all alone. maybe i'll time 'em just for entertainments sake. i've got 3hrs before kids start pouring in. i already know, tonite is a pizza/canned pasta nite....i can't stand/walk. i'm basically trapped in my recliner right now.

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