Monday, August 11, 2008

it's 530am!!!!!!!

anyhow, after contracting regularly every 3 mins for over 7hrs. to the point the kids were exceptionally well behaved. showered, dressed, packed their gameboys and leapsters and were ready to go at a moment's notice and decided that they never want to have children naturally, they're both certain they want to adopt..........THEY STOPPED. I MEAN JUST STOPPED. we all looked towards the clock cuz it was about to be 3 mins and nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing......ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

i passed out, exhausted. and actually slept 5hrs straight w/o waking. and now here i sit. crampy. SORE. and i really don't know how this baby is gonna get out. i need to be put to sleep while they do whatever cuz mentally i'm done for. i just can't endure the pain anymore. last nite felt like i felt when i got to the hospital in transition and had kyndal 30mins later. and nothing. thsi is unbelievable.

so i guess i will make my 11am appt today.

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